Our Approach to Responsible Investment

At H.I.G., many factors that are today recognized as contemporary
responsible investment principles have long been foundational risk-
mitigation strategies that offer a valuable lens through which H.I.G. looks for

H.I.G. believes that responsible investment practices – including the
assessment of financially material environmental, social, and governance
considerations – are part of a comprehensive approach to investment decision making.

“The Firm has developed a set of policies and practices, informed by
internationally recognized responsible investment principles, to help ensure
that material ESG considerations are integrated into the investment

Kim Leinwand Erle, Managing Director & Global Head of ESG, H.I.G. Capital

Integrating Responsible Investment Principles

We recognize that companies with strong environmental, social, and governances practices attract better talent, have fewer business risks, and ultimately deliver better sustainable value for all stakeholders. ESG considerations are evaluated, integrated, and monitored across various stages of the investment process, from initial due diligence, to post closing engagement.

Select examples of potentially material environmental, social, and/or governance topics.

Business ContinuityBusiness EthicsCarbon EmissionsData Privacy
Energy ManagementHealth and SafetyHuman RightsProduct Lifecycle
Product QualityTalent RetentionWaste ManagementWorkforce Engagement

As experienced responsible investors, we seek to take an active role in encouraging our portfolio companies to address issues that can affect company value, including those related to sustainability. We believe ESG factors, where material, can contribute to sustainable value creation. Where applicable, we seek to collect sustainability data and identify opportunities for engagement across a range of ESG-related areas.

Select examples of sustainability in the H.I.G. portfolio:

Talent-First Approach

Fostering talent is a significant factor for asset managers and a demonstrable differentiator for the Firm. H.I.G. seeks to support industry-wide initiatives focused on talent pipeline development, mentorship, and retention.
